How much can I earn teaching English in Jordan?

English teachers in Jordan can typically earn between $800 and $1,500 per month. The country's education system is one of the most progressive in the Middle East, with a national goal to become fully bilingual in the near future. This ambition drives a strong demand for English teachers, particularly those experienced in working with young learners. This is significant considering that nearly a third of Jordan's population is under the age of 15. Such factors contribute to the growing opportunities and attractive earnings for English teachers in Jordan.

Table of Contents

What are TESOL salaries in Jordan?

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Jordan?

What is the recruitment process for English teachers in Jordan?

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Jordan?

What are TESOL salaries in Jordan?

TESOL teachers in Jordan usually earn in the region of $800 to $1,500 per month. While these salaries may not match those offered in countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia, the lower cost of living in Jordan means that this income should provide a very comfortable lifestyle. Teachers with the relevant qualifications may also find opportunities in international schools, where salaries can reach up to $3,000 per month or more. The majority of the higher-paying jobs are located in and around Amman, the capital city. Other areas, such as Az-Zarqa and Irbid, also offer promising opportunities for TESOL teachers.

Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Jordan?

The main employers of English language teachers in Jordan are:

  • International Schools: Schools following American, British, or Canadian curriculums generally offer the highest salaries. However, these schools are relatively few, and the hiring standards are high, often requiring native English speakers with advanced teaching qualifications and prior classroom experience.
  • Private Tutoring: Many English teachers in Jordan opt for private tutoring, either for individuals or small groups. Various online programs assist in arranging clients for teaching in private settings. A TESOL certification is typically required for these roles.
  • Volunteer Teaching: With Jordan's recent influx of approximately 1.5 million refugees from neighboring countries, there is a significant demand for teachers in volunteer roles. These positions often attract those looking to gain teaching experience while contributing to important causes, particularly in educating young refugees who have missed out on formal education.

What is the recruitment process for English teachers in Jordan?

The recruitment process for English teachers in Jordan typically involves the following steps:

  • Optimal Timing for Job Search: The best period to look for teaching jobs in Jordan is towards the end of August and early September.
  • In-Country Job Search: It is advisable to arrive in Jordan ahead of this time to explore various employment opportunities. Face-to-face interviews are commonly preferred by employers.
  • Interview Process: Visiting potential employers allows for a better understanding of the school environment and location before contract commitment.
  • Probationary Period: Most teaching jobs in Jordan include a standard three-month probationary period, allowing both parties to terminate the contract without penalty if necessary.
  • Work Permit Application: After securing a job, teachers need to apply for a work permit, valid for one year. It is common to enter Jordan on a 30-day tourist visa, with the employer then arranging the work permit, a process that may take up to a month.
  • Qualifications for Candidates: To stand out in the competitive job market, candidates are typically expected to have at least two years of previous experience, a degree, and TESOL certification.

What is the cost of living for English teachers in Jordan?

Although salaries in Jordan are considerably less than you would get in many neighboring countries, so is the cost of living. Big savings can be made by avoiding expensive imported goods and shopping in local fresh food markets. Local restaurants are also great value as long as you stay clear of areas aimed at the tourist trade. Accommodation is often the biggest expense for most teachers, so if you can secure a job that includes free housing or a housing allowance you will be in good shape financially.