Us Vs Uk English

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TESOL vs TEFL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The most generic term for the field of teaching English is ELT. This simply means: English Language Teaching. ELT is a large area, and there are many subdivisions and specialisms. One subdivision is the teaching of English to learners whose first language is not English. The three terms most commonly seen here are TESOL, TEFL and TESL. A lot of confusion exists around these terms and in particular the question of TESOL vs TEFL, which leads to a number of inevitable questions. You might ask… In looking at these various terms we will show that the idea of comparing one against the other, i.e. “TESOL vs TEFL” isn’t very helpful. So what do they mean? When the English teaching takes place in a country where the predominant language is not English, such as teaching English in Germany or...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ British English vs American English

British english vs american English With English being recognised as the global language of choice, which one is considered the official language? So just how did American English diverge from British English in the first place? American English roots back to the early colonial days of the late 16th century, were a whole gamut of cultures converged into a single society. In some colonies English wasn’t even a spoken language and in those colonies that did speak English it was quite different from the English we know today. The Elizabethan English of the day consisted of many varieties of regional English dialects. All these different dialects, intermingled with a multitude of cultures formed one big boiling pot, of which over time, a new variant was produced – American English. And...  [Read more]

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