Student Centred Teaching Methods

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tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching Styles

Teaching Styles We all learn in different ways, and similarly, as teachers we tend to have different ways of teaching which come more naturally for us. As teachers, we need to be aware of what our particular style is, but we should then try to adapt the way we teach to fit the needs of our students as well. There are many different categorizations of teaching styles, but rather than discuss the ways styles are categorized, I will simply summarize the ones most commonly referred to. Probably the most traditional one is the direct instruction style. Direct instruction is very teacher-centered, and provides for little if any student-teacher interaction or group interaction. The teacher is the focus of attention and provides all the information necessary for the student to excel in...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching One to One

Teaching one-to-one Teaching English as a foreign language can be done one of two ways: teaching a group of students or by teaching on a one-to-one basis. It’s estimated that up to 40% of TESOL teaching is done one-to-one, however teachers find it increasingly difficult to find relevant material, advice and assistance on the method. Nicola Meldrum argues that teaching one-to-one “unfortunately is not covered much in ELT discussion” and that ‘It is somehow assumed that teaching English as a foreign language means organizing huge groups of students, while the reality is that one to one is a normal and significant part of our teaching lives”. Teachers are in effect left to their own devices; however this doesn’t stop the concept of teaching one-to-one being an effective and...  [Read more]

TESOL Certifications in Brittany - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL in France - inclass courses

Our TESOL course in France offers a unique insight and experience of ‘real’ France. France is famous for its history, culture, cuisine and romance and these factors combine to make this one of our most popular locations for taking a TESOL course. If you wish to teach English in France, or anywhere else for that matter, our course in France is the ideal place to start your teaching career. France seems to hold an appeal for visitors of all nationalities. Something about the country just catches the imagination. Maybe it is the beautiful green countryside with forests, rolling hills, meandering rivers and dotted with charming villages and ruined castles or maybe it is the bright lights of Paris with the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, or there again maybe it is the justifiably world famous...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Athens - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Greece - Inclass Courses

Home / CELTA Trinity Courses / Athens Athens is always a popular choice with CELTA trainees as it has a thriving market for qualified English language teachers. The city is also overflowing with historical sites and is within easy reach of several beaches and the calm blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. For a quick insight into all that Athens has to offer, click here to enjoy a virtual tour. As well as its many attractions, Athens also provides a welcoming and safe environment in which to live, study and work. If you then add the great climate, delicious local cuisine, and the vibrant nightlife, you can begin to see why the city has been one of Europe’s most popular for decades. No visit to Greece would be complete without heading to one of its many stunning islands,...  [Read more]

TESOL Certifications in Athens - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL in Greece - inclass courses

Home / CELTA Trinity Courses / Athens Athens is always a popular choice with CELTA trainees as it has a thriving market for qualified English language teachers. The city is also overflowing with historical sites and is within easy reach of several beaches and the calm blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. For a quick insight into all that Athens has to offer, click here to enjoy a virtual tour. As well as its many attractions, Athens also provides a welcoming and safe environment in which to live, study and work. If you then add the great climate, delicious local cuisine, and the vibrant nightlife, you can begin to see why the city has been one of Europe’s most popular for decades. No visit to Greece would be complete without heading to one of its many stunning islands,...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teacher Self Analysis

Teacher Self Analysis My early experiences of learning in the State education system of the UK clearly affected my career and attitude to education. In the main, I was taught by root, this had the affect of making me become bored and if I am honest, I did not take full advantage of my education. Later realising I still had some untapped potential I enrolled on a course in Higher Education. I expected the same teaching methods that I had experienced earlier in my life, but instead found a more progressive, student centered approach. My motivation was high and I achieved my Certificate in Education. I took these varied experiences with me when I entered teaching some ten years ago. I soon found that most learners at the college were I worked were poorly motivated, lacking drive and...  [Read more]

TESOL Australasia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In Australasia

Australia and New Zealand constitute a large geographic area encompassing a huge variety of climates, topography and environments. The most immediately striking thing to the visitor is that the seasons are the reverse of those experienced by the northern hemisphere. The other curiosity is that water goes down the plughole the other way around. That not the only thing that’s unusual ‘down under’. Indeed, one is dealing with an entirely new world, only recently populated by non-indigenous peoples. There is an enterprising air about the new world, as well as a ‘can do’ attitude. With this said, people never hesitate to set aside their work worries in favour of ripping the scab off a few tubes, and getting the barbeque going on the beach; and a jolly fine time can be had by all....  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Problems for Learners in Specific Countries

Problems for learners in a Country of your choice: Italy In this paper I will address the issues I face as a teacher from the context of living and working in Italy, as well as the common problems my students encounter while learning and speaking English. I also want to draw attention to the input culture and society has on language, and look at how these factors influence dynamics within the classroom. Of course, it is nearly impossible to view ones self outside your own given cultural perspective, so as a result of this I will also be discussing my own assumptions on how I "imagined" people might act, compared to the reality of the situation. Often I neglect to take into account these differences, simply because I was raised in America, where I am used to a different set of cultural...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Business English

business English The study of business English relates specifically to learning and improving English ability for use in international trade. It is studied by non-native speakers who wish to communicate with companies in English speaking countries. In addition, it is used between non-native speaking companies who communicate using English as a shared second language. In principle, the same structures are used to teach business English as other areas of TESOL teaching. However, the contexts and vocabulary will differ. Areas of vocabulary will vary depending on the needs of the student but will generally fall into the region of general business vocabulary, trade, finance and international relations. Besides specific vocabulary, there is often a focus on communications skills...  [Read more]

TESOL USA - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In USA

Mighty big place, Partner. As Ferdinand Braudel, the great French historian observed, ‘the land dictates the people’, and it is a good idea never to stray too far from this theme. If you want to know what ‘cold’ is then head up to Minneapolis, north of Toronto, in the mid winter. If you want to know what ‘hot and humid is’ then try Orlando in the height of the summer. If you transcribe a line from Los Angles to Miami and turn this into a road trip then the number of different peoples and environments you will encounter is immense. By all means there is a thin veneer of Americanism, and everywhere you will find both McDonalds, and the presence of the Federal Government; however, you shouldn’t let this take your eye off the ball of the fact that the people and environment of...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Online vs In-class Courses

Online vs. Onsite Courses Becoming certified to teach English as a second language can be done onsite or online. On online course was the most efficient, economical and in many ways the superior way for me. This article explains my background and situation. It also touches on the process I went through to get to this, the final lesson. Online is not for everyone. It takes an open and creative mind to step into the world of computers and electronic tutors. An imagination and discipline were keys to my approach. Imagination was profound when I would take time away from class and Google some blogs about teaching English. Dave’s Café was just one of these places where you could find endless discussions on the joys and perils of teaching English in other countries. These stories were the...  [Read more]

TESOL United Kingdom - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In United Kingdom

Cool Britannia offers an almost vertigo-inspiring range of attractions, life-styles and experiences, and one can chose between the big cities and their glittering array of restaurants, nightlife and cultural attractions, and the justly famous countryside offering everything from mountains and lakes, to the verdant, bucolic landscapes that inspired many an artist and writer. In addition to this Britain is an immensely culturally diverse society. This brings with it great food, fascinating people and life-styles, and it matters little that nobody is quite sure - or that fussed about - what it means to be British any more! One of Britain’s greatest assets is its density. There really is an awful lot of stuff packed into a relatively small island. In addition this dirt-cheap airfares make...  [Read more]

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