Jessica Stanton

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tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Difficulties with Spoken English

Difficulties with Spoken English Recently, I greeted a German intern working with our company in the lobby of our office building while walking into work. “Good morning,” I said, and he returned. I did not know much about him yet as he had just started. I knew he was from Germany as we had recently been introduced, but I decided to find out more about him. “Where are you coming from,” I asked. He was confused and embarrassed. This is a common question others in the office have often asked meaning Where do you live, or How do you get to work everyday etc. especially since the locale of the office is downtown DC, so not everyone comes from the same place. I realized, however, as soon as it came out of my mouth and by the strained look on his face, that I should have constructed the...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Building Confidence in Students

Building Confidence in Students Education is certainly the birthright of all people. The motivation of every nation should be to generate literate, well-educated and intelligent residents who are able to add to the proper progress and progress of the whole society. There is still mystery on how accurately a foreign language is learnt. On the subject of building confidence there are yet more theories which are even more difficult to confirm. I myself do not trust that confidence is built using one magic activity, but rather it is continuously acquired all over the learning process. That’s why, all the theories I pick to focus on three things Grammar, Drilling, and of course the role of the teacher. All of these will prepare the student for circumstances they might meet later. [1] After...  [Read more]

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