How To Pronounce Previous

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Coursebooks And Materials/dictionaries - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  The next item we're going to consider is the use of dictionaries and here perhaps the first thing we should do is to make a distinction between the two main types of dictionary and that distinction is between the monolingual and the bilingual dictionary. In a monolingual dictionary you have a word and its associated meaning and those two are both described for example in English so the word and the description of that word are both given in English. Whereas in a bilingual dictionary that word meaning could often be for example the word given in English and the explanation given in Thai and vice versa. So what can we use a dictionary for? Well, within the dictionary itself obviously we can get things like how words are spelled or the spelling of the word. We can also get the...  [Read more]

Should I get a TEFL or TESOL certification?

Upon enrolling in a TEFL or TESOL certification program with ITTT, you have the liberty to select the acronym you wish to have displayed on your certificate, be it TEFL or TESOL. These terms are widely used interchangeably within the realm of English language teaching. However, if you have a specific location in mind for work, conducting a modest investigation into the prevailing usage of the two acronyms can be worthwhile. If job postings in your chosen destination predominantly seek TEFL-qualified teachers, opting for that acronym would align well, and vice versa if TESOL certificates are more commonly requested. TEFL or TESOL in Europe Common teaching destinations in Europe Other European countries to look out for Pros and cons of teaching English in Europe TEFL or TESOL in Asia Common...  [Read more]

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