How Long Does It Take To Become An English Teacher

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tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Role of the Teacher

The Role of the Teacher If only the role of a teacher was as easy as being a ‘medium through which students learn’. In today’s day and age, no matter what country the role takes place in, a teacher is so much more than a resource for information. When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, simply because I wanted to write on the chalkboard! My teachers seemed to be the greatest printers, curving their letters just so, and I wanted to do it also! Now, after ‘higher education’, and three different career paths, I have come back to wanting to be a teacher, but my reasons have changed. I was fortunate in my years of high school, to have teachers that really cared about me as an individual, and I want to give this back. This is where the difference between...  [Read more]

How long does it take to be an ESL teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Which type of TESOL course is the quickest to complete?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "How long does an in-class TESOL course take?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Will I be ready to teach after the course?","url":...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teacher Career Development

Teacher Career Development Wikipedia® states that the study of career development looks at how individuals manage their careers within and between organizations and how the organizations structure the career progress of their members. This is alluding to the fact that professionals and organizations are in a partnership. This definition fails to mention the importance and influence of colleagues throughout the lifetime of a career. It is the freedom and support that is given to the teacher by her employer and colleagues throughout the lifetime of her career that can create the feelings of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment, to not have this can lead to a career that is discarded only to search for something that may not be as rewarding. So what happens to teachers when the...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Pronuniciation Problems in Specific Countries

Pronunciation Problems for Chinese Students of English As a global language, English has been popularly taught as the second language in China for quite a few years. Now there are more Chinese people learning English on various purposes, such as applying for a higher paid job, studying and living abroad, or establishing business with western countries. According to my experience of learning and teaching English, it is harder to master English pronunciation than English grammar for Chinese students. Chinese grammar may appear quite simple compared to that of many highly-inflected Western languages (e.g. Russian, Latin, etc.), or even the low-scale verb conjugations, for instance, of English (e.g. "swim, swam, swum") because of the lack of inflections. Even though there are similarities...  [Read more]

How do I become a TESOL trainer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "What are the basic requirements for becoming a TESOL trainer?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What are the characteristics of a TESOL trainer?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Do I need advanced qualifications to become a TESOL trainer?","url":...  [Read more]

Tefl international

The allure of teaching English online continues to grow annually, mainly due to the comfort of home-based work and the ability to set your own working hours in many cases. Yet, with a plethora of online teaching platforms and new ones emerging regularly, finding the right fit for your individual situation can be a challenge. Take a look through our FAQs below for a wide range of insights into online English teaching. Do I need a TESOL certificate to teach English online?     Technically it is still possible to teach English online without any teaching qualifications. However, the vast majority of employers who offer good working conditions now expect their potential teachers to have completed a high-quality TESOL certification course. Can I teach English online...  [Read more]

How soon can I get TESOL certified and start teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " How long will it take if I enrol on an international in-class TESOL course and then stay on to teach?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " How long will it take if I complete an online TESOL course and then interview for jobs from home?","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses FAQs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Frequently Asked Questions

Here at ITTT, we will do all we can to ensure your entire TESOL training experience is as straightforward and rewarding as possible. If you have any questions regarding our courses, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section below. Our FAQ section should clear up most of your queries but if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by submitting them via the form provided at the bottom of this page. What does TESOL mean?   The acronym TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The term is commonly used when referring to certification courses that provide the skills necessary to teach the English language to non-native speakers in your own country or abroad. Read more What is the difference between TESOL and...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Building Confidence in Students

Building Confidence in Students Education is certainly the birthright of all people. The motivation of every nation should be to generate literate, well-educated and intelligent residents who are able to add to the proper progress and progress of the whole society. There is still mystery on how accurately a foreign language is learnt. On the subject of building confidence there are yet more theories which are even more difficult to confirm. I myself do not trust that confidence is built using one magic activity, but rather it is continuously acquired all over the learning process. That’s why, all the theories I pick to focus on three things Grammar, Drilling, and of course the role of the teacher. All of these will prepare the student for circumstances they might meet later. [1] After...  [Read more]

Do online TESOL teachers work from home? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Do online TESOL teachers work from home?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "What do I need to become an online TESOL teacher?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Can I teach English online from anywhere else?","url":...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Approaching the conclusion of your TESOL certification course or being certified without having started teaching often brings up numerous questions about English language teaching positions. Our FAQs on this page delve into diverse topics: from identifying the top countries for teaching English overseas to strategies for securing a good quality job in your preferred location. Additionally, you will find valuable insights on job interviews, document preparation, and plenty of other essential employment details. What questions should I ask a TESOL employer?   During an interview it is vital that you get enough information so you can make an informed decision on whether it is the right job for you. Areas you should be clear on include your salary, number of working...  [Read more]

Who can take TESOL courses? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Are English language skills important?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Is attitude important?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Are academic qualifications important?","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]

TESOL Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In Thailand

Thailand is a central Asian country enjoying a tropical climate with 3 distinct seasons - summer from March through May, rainy with plenty of sunshine from June to September and cool from October through February. The average annual temperature is 28 C (83 F), ranging, in Bangkok, for example, from 30 C in April to 25 C in December. The exchange rate for the Thai baht is around 30 to the US dollar. The night life, friendly people and the air of tropical paradise all make Thailand very popular amongst ‘traveller teachers’ and, hence, wages are quite low at around B25,000 to B40,000 for schools, but up to B60,000 working for private companies. Nevertheless, living expenses are extremely low, and it is important to recognize that as a teacher you will be going native and not paying...  [Read more]

Do Tefl Teachers Need A Second Language - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  The simple answer is no, you do not need to have any knowledge or experience of languages other than English to take a TEFL course or to become an EFL teacher. The ability to speak other languages is not required as the vast majority of TEFL classrooms around the world rely on the communicative approach to English teaching that specifies that English is the only language used in the classroom. In multilingual classrooms where the students could have a dozen or more different first languages, being able to communicate in one or two of them would obviously be of no particular advantage. In monolingual classrooms you may also find that students are more inclined to revert to their mother tongue during the lesson if they are aware that the teacher can understand what is being said....  [Read more]

Where are the best places to teach English for LGBTQ+ teachers? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Spain","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Germany","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Uruguay","url":...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Problems for Learners in Specific Countries

Problems for learners in a Country of your choice: Italy In this paper I will address the issues I face as a teacher from the context of living and working in Italy, as well as the common problems my students encounter while learning and speaking English. I also want to draw attention to the input culture and society has on language, and look at how these factors influence dynamics within the classroom. Of course, it is nearly impossible to view ones self outside your own given cultural perspective, so as a result of this I will also be discussing my own assumptions on how I "imagined" people might act, compared to the reality of the situation. Often I neglect to take into account these differences, simply because I was raised in America, where I am used to a different set of cultural...  [Read more]

TESOL Netherlands - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In Netherlands

If ostentation wasn’t regarded by the Dutch as undignified, the Netherlands would loudly boast a strong liberal culture, combined with a great art history. It is a small, flat country, and bike is the only way to travel. For some a strong draw will be the museums and art galleries. For others the flower-filled fields, windmills and canals paint a pretty enough picture all by themselves. The principal language is Dutch, with Frisian also spoken in some areas. The population is a little over 16 million and the climate is temperate. There is a high degree of English competence in the cities. So much so that it was once mooted that English become the official language of Dutch universities. This proved a bridge too far for Dutch liberalism, and the idea was thrown out. With such a high...  [Read more]

How Do I Get A Job Teaching English In Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  Teaching English in South Korea has become increasingly popular over the last decade and it is no secret that the country offers some of the best salaries for foreign teachers to be found anywhere in the world. English teachers in Korea can expect to earn between $1,500 and $3,000 US per month and it is certainly possible to save up to half of this depending on your lifestyle. On top of the basic salary you can also expect other benefits such as paid airfares, free housing and an end of contract bonus. Unsurprisingly, the high salaries and good benefits on offer have led to a high level of competition for the best jobs. If you have any teaching qualifications and experience in the classroom, you will find you have the pick of the available jobs. However, thanks to a continually...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Miscellaneous Titles

Should Students Be Allowed to Use Their Native Language in the Classroom When I first began teaching lessons during the TESOL Course I found myself almost automatically saying to the students, “English please,” after all it is an English class. However, I began to question myself about whether or not this was “correct” practice or if the students should in fact use their native language to assist them in the learning process. After doing some research I found the TESOL Law Code of Ethics. The Law of Ethics provided many vague and open-ended ideas. It suggested things along the lines of, “The foreign language teacher shall direct her whole professional effort to assist the students to develop his/her second language speaking ability.” It also mentions that TESOL teachers are to...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Games in the Classroom

Games in the Classroom Teachers and researchers have moved away from the separation of linguistic skills as the best and only way to instruct students learning other languages. Today, more emphasis is being placed on purposeful games in the classroom which create a more carefree and fun environment for its learners. This method, when carefully chosen, produces confidence, creates competition and teammanship, and promotes a desire to win the prize...which is fluency of a 'once' strange language. In the end, everyone wins, since the goal is fluency of a foreign language with a teacher who becomes the hero, because she makes her lessons meaningful and entertaining at the same time. Games can be wonderful communicative device in the classroom setting and should be a central part of educating...  [Read more]

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