Cultural Differences In America

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How is teaching English in Asia different from teaching English in Latin America? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Will I be able to save money while teaching English in Latin America?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Will I be able to save money while teaching English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id":...  [Read more]

Why should I teach English in Latin America rather than in Spain? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " Where is the best place to learn the Spanish language?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " What is the cost of living in Spain compared to Latin America?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " How do work visas differ between...  [Read more]

Which English should be taught in the ESL classroom? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "How exactly do these forms of English differ?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Spelling Differences","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "Same Word - Different Pronunciation","url":...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ British English vs American English

British english vs american English With English being recognised as the global language of choice, which one is considered the official language? So just how did American English diverge from British English in the first place? American English roots back to the early colonial days of the late 16th century, were a whole gamut of cultures converged into a single society. In some colonies English wasn’t even a spoken language and in those colonies that did speak English it was quite different from the English we know today. The Elizabethan English of the day consisted of many varieties of regional English dialects. All these different dialects, intermingled with a multitude of cultures formed one big boiling pot, of which over time, a new variant was produced – American English. And...  [Read more]

Where are the best places to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Which is the most popular region for teaching English abroad?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Where can I earn the most money teaching English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "What other popular spots are there for teaching English in...  [Read more]

TESOL Chile - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In Chile

Boasting high desert at one extreme, and low glaciers at another, this slim country is a natural wonder full of geysers, mountains, beaches and volcanoes. A breathtakingly beautiful country, and a paradise to the adventurer’s adventurer. You could take all of this away, and yet the extraordinary economic growth which the country has experienced during the 21st century would make it a place to catch the TESOL teachers eye. Five percent unemployment combined with outside investment, mainly from the US, make this a dynamic and fascinating place to work. The principal language is Spanish, though there are several native idioms in use. The country is eighty-seven percent Roman Catholic, ten-percent Protestant, with one-percent Jewish. The population is sixteen millions, and with a landmass...  [Read more]

Etiquette Latin America - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  Teaching English abroad is a great way to travel the world and experience other peoples and cultures. As English teachers it is important that we take the time to learn about the countries we choose to live and work in not only to show respect to our hosts but also to help our students to learn more productively. Understanding the cultural or social reasons behind why people in different countries behave or react in particular ways can help us to prepare better lessons and activities for our students and develop better relationships with our colleagues. Being aware of the subtle social cues that exist in any society can mean the difference between a truly rewarding experience and one that you wish never to repeat. When considering regions such as Latin America it can be tempting...  [Read more]

Do accents matter when teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "What English accent should I teach my students?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "How do English language students learn English accents?","url": ""} ] ] } Accents in English, influenced by geographic and cultural backgrounds, vary significantly around the world, with noticeable differences among British, American,...  [Read more]

What Is An Esl Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  Globalization and the increasing demand for English speaking professionals all over the world, especially in emerging regions, has brought about a new, steadily growing sector: English as a Second Language (ESL). An ESL teacher is, therefore, an educator who works with English Language Learners (ELLs) whose native language is not English. The goal of the ESL teacher is to help the students reach a certain level of fluency in English, on both a spoken and written level. ESL educators are not to be confused with foreign language teachers. ESL teachers do not share the same native language and are specifically trained to offer explanations and directed teaching methods to non-English speakers. This teaching style is mainly focused on repetition, drills, demonstrations, and...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses FAQs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Frequently Asked Questions

Here at ITTT, we will do all we can to ensure your entire TESOL training experience is as straightforward and rewarding as possible. If you have any questions regarding our courses, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section below. Our FAQ section should clear up most of your queries but if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by submitting them via the form provided at the bottom of this page. What does TESOL mean?   The acronym TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The term is commonly used when referring to certification courses that provide the skills necessary to teach the English language to non-native speakers in your own country or abroad. Read more What is the difference between TESOL and...  [Read more]

What Is An Esl Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  Globalization and the increasing demand for English speaking professionals all over the world, especially in emerging regions, has brought about a new, steadily growing sector: English as a Second Language (ESL). An ESL teacher is, therefore, an educator who works with English Language Learners (ELLs) whose native language is not English. The goal of the ESL teacher is to help the students reach a certain level of fluency in English, on both a spoken and written level. ESL educators are not to be confused with foreign language teachers. ESL teachers do not share the same native language and are specifically trained to offer explanations and directed teaching methods to non-English speakers. This teaching style is mainly focused on repetition, drills, demonstrations, and...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Problems for Learners in Specific Countries

Problems for learners in a Country of your choice: Italy In this paper I will address the issues I face as a teacher from the context of living and working in Italy, as well as the common problems my students encounter while learning and speaking English. I also want to draw attention to the input culture and society has on language, and look at how these factors influence dynamics within the classroom. Of course, it is nearly impossible to view ones self outside your own given cultural perspective, so as a result of this I will also be discussing my own assumptions on how I "imagined" people might act, compared to the reality of the situation. Often I neglect to take into account these differences, simply because I was raised in America, where I am used to a different set of cultural...  [Read more]

TESOL Jobs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Prospects For Teaching English Abroad

As the demand for English language knowledge continues to grow across the globe, the need for certified English teachers is also rapidly increasing. TESOL jobs are available in countries all over the world which means you will have an abundance of choice in terms of your teaching location. You will also find a wide variety of employers to choose from, including colleges, universities, language schools, kindergartens, public schools, private tutoring, companies and businesses, voluntary work, and other areas such as hospitals and tourism. ITTT will help and guide our graduates through the process of obtaining a suitable TESOL job for as long as you need us. When you require assistance in obtaining a new teaching challenge, we will be there to help. Our lifetime job support services include...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Approaching the conclusion of your TESOL certification course or being certified without having started teaching often brings up numerous questions about English language teaching positions. Our FAQs on this page delve into diverse topics: from identifying the top countries for teaching English overseas to strategies for securing a good quality job in your preferred location. Additionally, you will find valuable insights on job interviews, document preparation, and plenty of other essential employment details. What questions should I ask a TESOL employer?   During an interview it is vital that you get enough information so you can make an informed decision on whether it is the right job for you. Areas you should be clear on include your salary, number of working...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Foreign Language Experience

Foreign Language Experience I come from a country, which is with high cultural values and great diversity. There are different languages spoken and different customs and traditions followed all over India. When I was in school, which was English medium school, we had Marathi and Hindi as our second language, Hindi was introduced from grade 3 and Marathi from grade 4, both these languages have almost similar script but there is a difference in the way we speak the language thus the difference in these two languages. It was easy for me to learn to read and write Hindi. It was very difficult for me to learn Marathi, my struggle worsened as my mother too was not able to help me as being from south of India she had never heard or spoke Marathi .It was compulsory in school to score same amount...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Miscellaneous Titles

Should Students Be Allowed to Use Their Native Language in the Classroom When I first began teaching lessons during the TESOL Course I found myself almost automatically saying to the students, “English please,” after all it is an English class. However, I began to question myself about whether or not this was “correct” practice or if the students should in fact use their native language to assist them in the learning process. After doing some research I found the TESOL Law Code of Ethics. The Law of Ethics provided many vague and open-ended ideas. It suggested things along the lines of, “The foreign language teacher shall direct her whole professional effort to assist the students to develop his/her second language speaking ability.” It also mentions that TESOL teachers are to...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Business English

business English The study of business English relates specifically to learning and improving English ability for use in international trade. It is studied by non-native speakers who wish to communicate with companies in English speaking countries. In addition, it is used between non-native speaking companies who communicate using English as a shared second language. In principle, the same structures are used to teach business English as other areas of TESOL teaching. However, the contexts and vocabulary will differ. Areas of vocabulary will vary depending on the needs of the student but will generally fall into the region of general business vocabulary, trade, finance and international relations. Besides specific vocabulary, there is often a focus on communications skills...  [Read more]

TESOL Japan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In Japan

Japan can present the traveller with a bewildering combination of culture, manners, beauty, architecture and personalities. Whether one goes to Fuji San - mount Fuji, to admire it’s serene beauty, or one parties all night long in Roppongi - the nightclub district of Tokyo, one is constantly taken aback and presented with the unexpected. At times a shade frustrating, such as when you are on a train so crowded that you go three stops past the one you wanted because you cannot move. Hence, the ‘gaijin’, or foreigner learns to laugh about these things and accepts them as a part of life. A population of one-hundred and twenty seven millions is jammed into a landmass of one-hundred and forty five square miles. Indeed, the population density in the big cities is amazing. The official...  [Read more]

TESOL United Kingdom - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL Jobs In United Kingdom

Cool Britannia offers an almost vertigo-inspiring range of attractions, life-styles and experiences, and one can chose between the big cities and their glittering array of restaurants, nightlife and cultural attractions, and the justly famous countryside offering everything from mountains and lakes, to the verdant, bucolic landscapes that inspired many an artist and writer. In addition to this Britain is an immensely culturally diverse society. This brings with it great food, fascinating people and life-styles, and it matters little that nobody is quite sure - or that fussed about - what it means to be British any more! One of Britain’s greatest assets is its density. There really is an awful lot of stuff packed into a relatively small island. In addition this dirt-cheap airfares make...  [Read more]

TESOL Certifications in Buenos Aires - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL in Argentina - inclass courses

TEFL International's centre in buenos aires, Argentina is an unbeatable destination to take the tefl certification course in Latin America. There are lots of job opportunities for TEFL certified native or fluent English speakers, and you can also learn or improve your Spanish. As the capital city of Argentina, buenos aires has so much to offer visitors that it is difficult to narrow down your itinerary to just a few things to do. buenos aires is a thriving multicultural city and the best way to explore its diversity is to get out and about in the various neighborhoods that make up the city. By choosing to study with TEFL International in buenos aires, you are signing up for an exciting and rewarding time in Argentina. Known as the "Paris of South America", buenos aires is one of the most...  [Read more]

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