Best Online Level 5 Tefl Course

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Tefl international

Embarking on your TESOL journey can come with a myriad of questions about teaching English. On this FAQ page we focus on all aspects related to our training courses and gaining TESOL certification. Whether you are seeking guidance on the ideal course for you or clarity on the course mechanics of a particular option, our FAQs should have the answers. So what are you waiting for? Check out the questions and answers below and kickstart your teaching voyage with ITTT. How do I choose a TESOL course?   The key to choosing the right TESOL course for you is research. You should check that the course provider has been in operation for a reasonable time and that they are respected within the teaching community. You should also be aware of the specific qualifications expected...  [Read more]

Certtesol - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL-TESOL Courses

  The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages or CertTESOL is an internationally recognized professional teaching qualification that is common in the field of teaching English as a foreign or second language. The course is an entry level course aimed at teachers with little or no experience in a classroom. CertTESOL courses can be studied in a number of locations as they are individually designed and organized by different language institutes around the world. These course providers are regulated and certified by Trinity College, London. The CertTESOL certificate is seen as equivalent to the CELTA certificate due to the similarities in the course syllabus. Are you ready to live and teach abroad? Click here and get started today:...  [Read more]

TESOL Certifications in Buenos Aires - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL in Argentina - inclass courses

TEFL International's centre in buenos aires, Argentina is an unbeatable destination to take the tefl certification course in Latin America. There are lots of job opportunities for TEFL certified native or fluent English speakers, and you can also learn or improve your Spanish. As the capital city of Argentina, buenos aires has so much to offer visitors that it is difficult to narrow down your itinerary to just a few things to do. buenos aires is a thriving multicultural city and the best way to explore its diversity is to get out and about in the various neighborhoods that make up the city. By choosing to study with TEFL International in buenos aires, you are signing up for an exciting and rewarding time in Argentina. Known as the "Paris of South America", buenos aires is one of the most...  [Read more]

What is an ESL teaching certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TESOL FAQs

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TESOL Teaching - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Would you like to leave your drab 9 to 5 life behind for a new and exciting career or do you want the chance to earn some extra cash while traveling the world? Whatever your dreams for the future, teaching English at home, overseas, or online could be just the thing to make it happen. Of course, before you book a plane ticket you are sure to have a few questions and we are here to help answer them. But before we get started, let’s look at what we mean by TESOL and TESOL teaching. The field of English language teaching seems to have a love affair with acronyms and the one you will probably come across most often is TESOL, which is short for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. This phrase is most often used in American and Australian English to refer to any situation where...  [Read more]

Tefl international

The allure of teaching English online continues to grow annually, mainly due to the comfort of home-based work and the ability to set your own working hours in many cases. Yet, with a plethora of online teaching platforms and new ones emerging regularly, finding the right fit for your individual situation can be a challenge. Take a look through our FAQs below for a wide range of insights into online English teaching. Do I need a TESOL certificate to teach English online?     Technically it is still possible to teach English online without any teaching qualifications. However, the vast majority of employers who offer good working conditions now expect their potential teachers to have completed a high-quality TESOL certification course. Can I teach English online...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Approaching the conclusion of your TESOL certification course or being certified without having started teaching often brings up numerous questions about English language teaching positions. Our FAQs on this page delve into diverse topics: from identifying the top countries for teaching English overseas to strategies for securing a good quality job in your preferred location. Additionally, you will find valuable insights on job interviews, document preparation, and plenty of other essential employment details. What questions should I ask a TESOL employer?   During an interview it is vital that you get enough information so you can make an informed decision on whether it is the right job for you. Areas you should be clear on include your salary, number of working...  [Read more]

tesol articles TESOL Articles - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Miscellaneous Titles

Should Students Be Allowed to Use Their Native Language in the Classroom When I first began teaching lessons during the TESOL Course I found myself almost automatically saying to the students, “English please,” after all it is an English class. However, I began to question myself about whether or not this was “correct” practice or if the students should in fact use their native language to assist them in the learning process. After doing some research I found the TESOL Law Code of Ethics. The Law of Ethics provided many vague and open-ended ideas. It suggested things along the lines of, “The foreign language teacher shall direct her whole professional effort to assist the students to develop his/her second language speaking ability.” It also mentions that TESOL teachers are to...  [Read more]

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