TESOL Los Angeles California

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Unit 14 covers coursebooks and lesson materials topic. Coursebook can be a good aid especially for an inexperienced teacher. There are two kinds of materials: authentic and created. Authentic materials are something from a real life such as newspapers, radio shows, tv programs etc. They help students to lift their confidence but it's better not to use it for beginners. Created materials are made by a teacher and it can be crosswords, role-play cards etc. Coursebook can consists of a student's book, workbook, cassetes or video, teacher's book. Coursebooks are ususally created for general audience, sometimes topics are boring and it can make a teacher lazy. But on the other hand they are graded according to the students' level and provide security for teachers and students, balance grammar, vocab, skills work. Teachers not only can totally rely on coursbooks , they can make some changes, add interesting and more suitable material to encourage and motivate students.