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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:
Unit 11 focuses on 2 out of 4 receptive skills, listening and reading. Equally important, the teacher must incorporate all of them in a lesson. A good teacher will pay attention to the content of the materiel ; it has to be interesting for all the students, using various topics. Once again, a teacher that knows his students will be able to choose a good topic that motivates most of them. Extract a text, dialogue, or any other materiel from its original source can affect the confidence of the students ; the teacher must find content that fits the students' level to challenge them realistically. Before the class, the teacher should analyse what new vocabulary can be a problem for the students, in order to prevent any bad approach. Helping the students to employ a number of different specialist skills ; the teacher should plan different activities that help the students to understand and guess the new vocabulary into the context.