TESOL Eastover South Carolina

Check out tefl tesol about TESOL Eastover South Carolina and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

When teaching a lesson utilizing the ESA Method, it is important to begin lessons by engaging the students through a variety of methods, such as showing pictures, drawings, flashcards, asking questions, miming, music, and/or stories. Then, in the 2nd phase, students are shown the mechanics of a new language concept, perhaps practicing a new sound, or examining and practicing a new verb tense. Study stages usually begin with elicitation of information by the teacher from the students. Exercises may be given to measure the students understanding. Thereupon, the students are asked to utilize their new knowledge, as freely and communicatively as possible, through a variety of activities.