TESOL Certification Elk Grove United States

Check out tefl tesol about TESOL Certification Elk Grove United States and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

This unit covered a variety of topic from the different forms of the conditional, and reported speech to expressions of time. The part of this unit that was the hardest for me to grasp was the expressions of time in relation to reported speech. I really had to stop and think as I attempted to chose the answer with the correct time expression to match the action.This unit has shown me a lot new ways in course development. For business English the first meeting is really important. The most interesting part in this unit was the needs analysis, which has provided information in detail. The end of course assessment of student and examination part was very enjoyable too. Overall i have gained interest throughout this unit.