This unit has helped me to understand the elements involved whenever teaching new vocabulary, introducing grammatical structures and teaching language factors...
It is difficult to plan out an English curriculum or even just a single lesson without taking into consideration the level, age and goals of the students in the class...
I feel errors in contractiions and third person singular ( like \"he not like\") and forgetting the -ing in a sentence ( we are have a meeting ) are common in non native speakers daily communication...
I found this unit to be very relevant because growing up, my most memorable memories as a student were with teachers who understood me and developed my learning through catering to my needs...
Every student is able to speak their own language before starting to learn english, so in all cases we can make a comparative baseline which ties the two languages together...
In this unit I have learnt about different types of tests (placement tests, diagnostic tests, progress tests, practice tests, external examinations) and their purposes...
This unit discusses speaking/writing (including games), difference between accuracy and fluency activities and which is more important, speaking activities (controlled, guided, creative communication, encouraging students to speak, techniques to encourage interaction)...
This unit explored the specifics of two aspects of English grammar, the fine details of which, while relatively simple to use intuitively, can be tricky even for natives to keep in their minds...