This unit discussed various things you should be aware of when you are in a new country, such as the things you should avoid discussing with the class...
I've seen the difference between a good teaching and a bad teaching through the two videos, and it shows clearly that teaching skills are vastly important in improving students study of their second language...
Unit 4 which is all about present tense enrich my knowledge on the different forms of present tense and how to use it effectively in constructing sentence,including negative forms and constructing question in different forms of present tense and using it effectively in my everyday routines and in my career...
For me as a person without any teaching experience it was very interesting to write down my first own lesson plan using different phases of ESA lessons, such as ?Straight arrow? and ?Patchwork?...
In this section, I have learned to differentiate between the present simple form, the present perfect form, and present continuous form, as well as all of these in question format...
I really enjoyed reading through this unit as a quick what to do and what not to do when teaching students studying English as an Additional Language...
Same principles applies for present continuous and past continuous,present perfect and past perfect,present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous...
The content of this unit focused on a lot of material that was present in previous lessons from the main TEFL course while introducing concepts unique to the world of teaching Business English...
This unit was important to me as it taught me how it is not only looking and hearing that are responsible for understanding language, but also your head must be able to gain meaning from previous experiences...
Before this lesson, I had never before had to examine or think about how to formulate a lesson plan, or all the nuances that have to be taken into account...