As a teacher,during teaching career,we would partially have to adapt ourselves into teching a special group of students whose requirments are unique or different from general learners in term of ages,purposes,and levels etc...
I really enjoy in this unit, The two videos shows a diffrent ways to teach one of them is good the other is not, the first video shows the bad way to teach, he make the student confused he did not support them or encourage them at all...
Motivation for learning seems to be the primary purpose of this lesson, with reading and listening resulting in the study and activation of the learning process...
Unit 11 reflects on the reasons why we read and listen and on the various types of reading and listening skills employed depending on the specific information we wish to obtain...
The content in this unit was the most difficult to concentrate on given the permutations in the usages of the future tense and their relation to the present tense...
Before learning this unit, the differences between many examinations and assessments weren?t very clear to me however, this unit regarding evaluation and testing allowed me to understand a great depth about what kind of tests are useful in various situations for students...