Evaluation and testing are important during the learning course as they provide feedback for both the learners to guauge their own learning and for the teacher to determine the direction to take for the lessons...
Unit 10 is about evaluation and testing and talks about the types of tests such as placement tests, progress tests, diagnostic tests, and practice tests, as well as external tests...
During the lesson it is important to lead the student group and organize the interaction of the participants of the learning process in such a way that the lesson is as effective as possible...
This last unit displays more information on the practical side of teaching that the course hasn't been able to include in the other lesson units because it would have taken the attention of the theme of that unit...
In this unit, I learned that no matter how experienced a teacher is, they are still bound to encounter some problem situations in the classroom, though that is the case, this unit suggested several ways of dealing with them...
Unit 3 presents a number of theories for language learning that have been popular in the past, some of which are still used today (PPP, for example)...
In this unit i have learnt:
1)Pronuncation is one of the most neglected aspect of English language teaching, but it suppose to be an integral part of the course...
The four forms of testing and evaluation provide important information regrading a student's english language ability and often direct the teacher in future lessons...