Vocabulary is very import to the students, especially at the early stages when the students begin to learn the basic words that they need to get by in the language...
In unit 2 we learnt about the different roles of the teacher and the learner in the classroom but also the advantages and disadvantages of teaching one student rather than groups of students with different levels of English...
This last lesson talked about certain issues a teacher might face such as how to work with large class sizes, the use of the students' native language, and how to step into your role as a new teacher with an existing group...
After reading this unit I've known that a good teacher should be patient and kind, enthusiastic and lively, should motivate students, give help to students when it's necessary, correct them without offending...
Unit 15 was very helpful because it is important to consistently evaluate and test your students to test not only their level of education, but also your teaching ability...
OHP can be used to display overhead transparencies or as an alternative to a whiteboard, an OHP would also be very useful if the students don’t have textbooks...
There are four things that learners need to do with new language: be exposed to it, understand its meaning, understand how it is constructed, and be able to practise and produce it...
This unit allowed me to think through some of the challenges that an English learner might face during a lesson that I, as a native speaker, might consider straight forward...
I think that this was a very helpful unit for me because it really gave me some ideas for how to teach my classes; as I was reading through, I even started writing down personal ideas for what I could do in my classes! In the last unit, I had a great refresher about grammar and the English language, but already I had been trying to think about how best to present these sometimes fairly complicated topics to a foreign audience...
It's not difficult to understand the benefits of making lesson plans and I especially appreciated the notes on what to keep in mind as you look over a sequence of lesson plans...