I like the both videos because they showed how the the students participate effectively and when the students became uninterested to learn and participate ...
The two videos in Unit 10 helped to demonstrate and reinforce concepts in the previous units, including the roles of teachers and students, ESA lesson organization, and managing classes...
Unit 5 covers some of the most important challenges teachers face early in their teaching careers as they learn to adapt their class to fit the task...
I learned about managing class and that time I realized that an important thing of class is also how I customize the classes, As well as how to teach effectively, and how students should follow teachers well which I?ve overlooked in that...
In this unit I learnt that technology and the use of more visual and audio aids in a lesson can be useful to the teacher in all stages of a lesson, especially in the study and activate phases...
This unit outlined the two receptive skills that we practice when learning a new language and it gave ways to practice those skills in the classroom...
In this unit I learned different strategies for catering English classes to special groups of students such as young learners, multilingual groups, and business professionals...