Unit 14 talks about the different types of teaching materials, and how to use them effectively, adjusting and adding the content if necessary in order to meet the the learning goals of different types of student groups...
This unit provides examples of both accuracy and fluency activities, and explains that though it is important to be accurate, especially when it comes to grammar and spelling, fluency of the language is as equally important in that it shows that the students have a good grasp on the communication aspect of learning a language...
Since I've only ever studied languages that are written in the Latin alphabet, I didn't consider the ability to read or write as important as being able to speak or listen because I could do it without much practice or learning...
This unit reviewed some materials in earlier units as well as providing advice for an inexperienced teacher, such as for example, how to deal with an attention seeking student...
I am most appreciative of the many websites listed to help prepare me for teaching my future students :) I have learned that there are many different ways to acquire material to help supplement any course book I may be given from my future employer and all I need to do is chose which ones best fits my type of students...
In this unit we deal with the Past tenses an area of study that from the native English speakers point of view is rarely analysed or even considered in the moment...
The teacher's attitude is so important as the first video shows, due to the teacher's behaviour and unfriendliness and not giving the students a clear explanation of the lesson point (modal auxiliary verbs)...
I found the first video hard to watch as I saw a plethora of things that the teacher was doing wrong, he destroyed their confidence by repeating \"oh this is easy, anyone can do this\"...