What are the advantages of using communicative language teaching in the TEFL classroom?

Table of Contents:

1. Understanding Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
2. Advantages of Using CLT in the TEFL Classroom
3. Implementing CLT Strategies
4. Conclusion

Understanding Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It focuses on developing communication skills through authentic and meaningful tasks. In a CLT classroom, the emphasis is on engaging learners in real-life communication, where the focus is on the message rather than just the language form. This approach encourages students to use the language creatively and effectively to express their ideas and opinions.

Advantages of Using CLT in the TEFL Classroom

One of the key advantages of using CLT in the TEFL classroom is that it promotes communicative competence. By providing opportunities for students to engage in real communication, CLT helps learners develop the ability to use the language in a variety of contexts and for different purposes. This approach focuses on meaningful communication, which helps students develop both their linguistic and pragmatic competence. CLT also encourages learners to become more active participants in the learning process, as they are required to use the language to achieve a specific communicative goal.

Another advantage of CLT is that it fosters learner autonomy. In a CLT classroom, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and to actively seek out opportunities for communication. This can help learners develop the confidence and motivation to use the language outside the classroom. By focusing on communication rather than just language form, CLT also helps students develop the skills they need to interact successfully in real-world situations, such as negotiating meaning, asking for clarification, and expressing opinions.

Implementing CLT Strategies

There are several strategies that teachers can use to implement CLT in the TEFL classroom. One key strategy is to create communicative activities that simulate real-life communication situations. For example, teachers can use role-plays, information gap activities, and problem-solving tasks to provide students with opportunities to use the language in meaningful ways. Teachers can also encourage pair and group work, as this can help students practice their communication skills in a supportive environment.

Another important aspect of implementing CLT is providing feedback that focuses on communication effectiveness rather than just accuracy. Teachers can help students improve their communicative competence by providing feedback on how well they are able to convey their intended message, rather than just correcting their language errors. This can help students develop the confidence and skills they need to communicate successfully in real-life situations.


In conclusion, using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the TEFL classroom offers numerous advantages for both teachers and students. By focusing on communication as the ultimate goal of language learning, CLT helps students develop communicative competence, foster learner autonomy, and build the skills they need to communicate effectively in real-life situations. By implementing CLT strategies and providing meaningful communicative activities, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promotes language acquisition and fluency.

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