One of the dangers that I perceive to be lurking within the engage phase is the possibility of evoking undue frustration in the event of purposefully challenging students to do what we know they cannot yet do...
This unit focuses on use of conditional sentences in English, namely the five conditions (zero, first, second, third and mixed) all of which describe conditions and their outcomes of varying probability...
Songs in the classroomHow often do we encounter a song which, having entered our consciousness, refuses to leave? This is one of music’s more interesting aspects: the ability of a song to trigger, within the individual listener, any number of sensations which leave one unable to force it from his mind...
I’ve learnt that there are different ways of teaching and different ways to learn and it’s beneficial to use a variety of methods so all students’ profit...
Before the start of this course, I had no clue how to prepare a lesson plan, but now I feel very comfortable and capable of designing lesson plans for virtually any skill level and language point...
This module outlines the 7 most common future tenses, namely, future simple, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, be going to, present simple, present continuous...
Prior to this unit we have discussed teaching methods and activities and grammar itself, but some of the hurdles that I had been running into that this unit helped me with was knowing how to make lessons that paired relevant vocabulary with its most appropriate grammar lesson to make activation of language easier on the students by providing with necessary tools to attain the lesson objectives (whether it be grammar focused or vocab focused)...
Pronunciation, phonology, intonation and stress are important parts of the English language that students must learn to be able to communicate effectively...
To teach English in order to enhance business relations amongst peers, business associates and customers I would think that one has to have a more business orientated mind to understand the dynamics of what input and output is required...
This unit emphasises the importance of receptive skills, which are reading and listening, that goes beyond just understanding and recognising words by grasping the overall meaning from a pre-existing knowledge of the world...
In Unit 9 we looked at lesson planning, the reasons why teachers need to plan, what is included in that process and how to produce this effectively within the classroom...